Friday, July 24, 2009


We have but one life – it’s worth our while to enjoy the world around us. I found a beautiful metaphor which expresses this better than any: "this is water," an old fish told young ones. They of course didn't realize that they were in water at all, but it was the reality that they lived in. It is the same for human beings - we have to enjoy the water around us, and even move the water which surrounds us. Everyone deals with the same troubles, the same insecurities, and desires to have more.

My brother and his wife were recently blessed with something more incredible than they ever could have imagined. I reckon parenthood is something that takes you by surprise no matter what fabulous expectations you have for it. A thinking and acting human from scratch. Congrats to them! And for the rest of us, we now have another being in the world to enjoy – and see endless photos from his smitten parents.

Meanwhile, another man passed away last week. I was imagining how, to reach the age that he did - 113 - I would have to live until the year 2093! Imagine living until nearly the end of the next century, to see all of the technological, mechanical, and social developments that will come in that time. Henry is a the sign of new life here on earth, and the water around him hopefully he will enjoy more than the writer sometimes does. As I have written before, living positively and surrounding ourselves with good people is the only way that we might live to any ripe age. What type of racer will Henry be?

“Speaking of horses, I like to play them myself. But I like to see them work a little, see if they’re frontrunners or a come from behind. Find out what their whole card is, find out what makes them run.”
“Did you find out mine?”
“I think so.”
“Go ahead.”
“I’d say you don’t like to be rated, you like to get out in front, open up a lead, take a little breather on the back stretch, then come home free.”
-- The Big Sleep

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